New week and new short animation film on Art-Spire. This time it’s a funny and original work entitled: 1900-2000. As the name suggest more or less explicitly, this production is about time travels and technological inventions. We love the creativity of the six students from Rubika Valenciennes who created this project: Benoît Berthe, Caroline Le Duff, Gabrielle Locre, Agathe Pillot, Armelle Renac and Vivien Risser. For more info, take a look at the Facebook page of this short.
Mat Miller is an English illustrator based in Bristol and currently working freelance. This young artist has a very interesting style which mixes traditional and digital techniques.
Mlle Hipolyte is a French artist specialized in illustration and paper design. She notably created a very colorful and detailed set of animals with tiny pieces of paper.
Raph Lomotan is a young illustrator based in Manila, Philippines. He works in freelance on different projects and draws mainly characters and creatures from imaginary universes.