Like every sunday, find out a selection of the most amazing online websites. These websites have both a awesome graphical and technical part, using Flash and the XHTML/CSS couple in a very clever way. You may have noticed but finding a website realized using only XHTML and CSS become difficult. Designers use more and more interactive and dynamic elements, sometimes flash but also more and more often jQuery. This JavaScript library allows to create stunning effects like this rotative banner on the site Breezy Baby. As always, enjoy!
Mat Miller is an English illustrator based in Bristol and currently working freelance. This young artist has a very interesting style which mixes traditional and digital techniques.
Mlle Hipolyte is a French artist specialized in illustration and paper design. She notably created a very colorful and detailed set of animals with tiny pieces of paper.
Raph Lomotan is a young illustrator based in Manila, Philippines. He works in freelance on different projects and draws mainly characters and creatures from imaginary universes.