Short Animation Film #79 : Anchored 3D, Illustration, Video27.08.2011

Short Animation Film #79 : Anchored

If you love touching story related with a beautiful visual style, here is a short-film for you! Directed by Lindsey Olivares as her senior thesis project at the Ringling College of Art and Design, Anchored...

The artworks of Thor by Michael Kutsche Illustration22.06.2011

The artworks of Thor by Michael Kutsche

It’s not the first time that we feature Michael Kutsche and we have to admit we just love his works and the incredible amount of details in each of these. The following serie of digital...

Short Animation Film #68 : Second Wind Illustration, Video11.06.2011

Short Animation Film #68 : Second Wind

Today we feature an exceptional short-film. It has an incredible style and atmosphere. And its story is also beautiful : it really touches the viewer during the six minutes it lasts.

Cool illustrations by Man-Tsun Illustration25.04.2011

Cool illustrations by Man-Tsun

Man-Tsun is a digital illustrator based in Hong Kong. His style is mostly inspired by manga and the Asian culture in a more global way. He has exhibited his works many times and received several...

Short Animation Film #61 : Captain Awesome 3D, Illustration, Video23.04.2011

Short Animation Film #61 : Captain Awesome

Hit by a bomb during his first mission, a soldier discovers that he now has super powers and starts to be “Captain Awesome”. But how this hero will react when he will have to choose...

Discover the Art-Spire’s Shop 3D, Art, Others, Graphic design, Illustration, Photography, Video, Wallpapers, Web design13.04.2011

Discover the Art-Spire’s Shop

Your are more and more numerous to read us from every part of the world and so the blog continues to evolved. You might have noticed some minor changes today: the main menu has been...

100 artworks and 3D renders of videogames heroes 3D, Illustration, Showcase27.10.2010

100 artworks and 3D renders of videogames heroes

A few months ago we’ve grouped together 60 artworks and 3D renders of videogames heroines. Today we pay tribute to the opposite sex we raise the number of characters selected : there is no less than...

Art-Spire: first anniversary! 3D, Graphic design, Illustration, Photography, Video, Wallpapers, Web design01.09.2010

Art-Spire: first anniversary!

Already one year ! One year that Art-Spire has opened its gates. One year that we try each day to offer you a great dose of artistical inspiration and to feature the best artists and...

15 videogames aesthetically breathtaking 3D, Illustration10.08.2010

15 videogames aesthetically breathtaking

Today let’s talk about videogames, and more precisely the ones with a beautiful aesthetic. We have selected below 15 titles released on actual consoles or on consoles of the previous generation.

The art of Blizzard: StarCraft II 3D, Illustration, Video27.07.2010

The art of Blizzard: StarCraft II

Final article of our serie of three articles about the art Blizzard Entertainment. It is one one the most famous and renown videogames developers in the world. This studio has notably created three stunning series:...

The art of Blizzard: Diablo III 3D, Illustration, Video20.07.2010

The art of Blizzard: Diablo III

Next one in our serie of three articles about the art Blizzard Entertainment. It is one one the most famous and renown videogames developers in the world. This studio has notably created three stunning series:...

Interview Josiah Jost : the master of logos Graphic design, Illustration19.07.2010

Interview Josiah Jost : the master of logos

Josiah Jost is a 22 years-old Canadian artist currently living in Milk River, Alberta. He specializes in logo design and his work has been awarded many times! We had the opportunity to ask him some...

Short Animation Film #25 : The Can Illustration, Video17.07.2010

Short Animation Film #25 : The Can

Carlos Lascano is a very talented 37 years-old Argentinean director and illustrator. He has directed the short-fillm “The can” to be a part of a program Red Bull organized with the University of Applied Arts...

The art of Blizzard: World of Warcraft 3D, Illustration, Video14.07.2010

The art of Blizzard: World of Warcraft

Today we begin a serie of three article about the art Blizzard Entertainment. It is one one the most famous and renown videogames developers in the world. This studio has notably created three stunning series:...

New version of Art-Spire 3D, Art, Graphic design, Illustration, Photography, Video, Wallpapers, Web design25.06.2010

New version of Art-Spire

Launched in september 2009 1th, Art-Spire grows everyday on the web at an international scale. Faithfull to our initial ambitions, we have published everyday one, sometimes two, articles on numerous themes : illustration, graphic design,...

60 artworks and renders of videogames heroines ! Art, Illustration, Showcase05.05.2010

60 artworks and renders of videogames heroines !

Today, discover a huge selection of artworks and 3D renders of the most famous heroines of the videogames industry. They are numerous and each one has her own style et her charms. 

Interview : Nicolas Bouvier (Sparth), concept artist Art, Illustration17.04.2010

Interview : Nicolas Bouvier (Sparth), concept artist

Nicolas Bouvier, best known under the name Sparth, is a worldwide known Concept Artist. He has worked on games such as Assassin’s Creed, Rage and Prince of Persia : Warrior Within. He has not only...

Interview Frederic St-Arnaud : hollywood matte-painter Art, Illustration23.12.2009

Interview Frederic St-Arnaud : hollywood matte-painter

Frédéric St-Arnaud is a famous matte-painter who works on Hollywood movies like Sin City, Terminator Salvation, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Art-Spire open its gates 3D, Art, Graphic design, Illustration, Photography, Video, Wallpapers, Web design01.09.2009

Art-Spire open its gates

Passionate for art, found of webdesign, addict to photography ? Welcome to Art-Spire ! Art-Spire (or AS for our close fans), it’s every day a incredible selection of artistic works for your personnal inspiration.