We feature today a short animation film created by a single person, Gabriel Grapperon. This is the project he done in third year at the school Supinfocom Arles. The story is simple, the tone is...
Frida, a young girl victim of bullying, finds herself a hero in the legendary luchador El Pirana. Some years after, she is also a popular fighter from Lucha Libre but a heavy failure will make...
It’s totally non sense and we like it! Make it Sound FAT is our short animation film of the week. With his beautiful 3D, funny animations and insane humour, this video is a real show....
Today we feature a short film that will probably reminds you of your daily life. “Métro, Boulot, Chaos.” shows how our life can be repetitive when everyone act according to a precise conditioning.
An explorer decides to follow the footsteps of his old teacher missing since his departure to the artic. Both went there to try to confirm a theory that could explain everything but the weather is...
Here is a really funny and crazy short animation film ! Dip N’ Dance is the story of a rich forty-year old guy who controls his furnitures and electronic devices with his voice and gesture....
Fingers Tale is a short-animation film which has a beautiful artistic style. The story is absolutely crazy: fingers divide themselves from their owners to fight against each other.
Mordi Levi is an Illustrator and Graphic Designer based in Haifa, Israel. Among his recent works, we can admire low-poly portraits of iconic TV characters from Game of Thrones and The Big Bang Theory.
The fantastic composer Nils Frahm just revealed a beautiful animated short-film created by Balazs Simon. The graphic style is a delight for the eyes. Discover the video below.
The animation studio Parasol Islands offers us Pink Troubles, a visually beautiful short-film which is also very funny.
The weekly short animation film isn’t exactly one but we just couldn’t resist to share with you the new Animation/FX Reel of the prestigious Blur Studio. Working a lot in the videogame industry, the 3D...
A young boy with dark thoughts watches very carefully puppets in a store front. Strange events occur. This short-animation film is created by Lucas Navarro from the school Supinfocom. The 3D is top-notch and the...
Here is a short animation film full of humor, just as we like these. JohnnyExpress tells the story of a delivery man named Johnny. He delivers shipment in almost every planets of the universe but...
Here is another great short-film from the French school ESMA. It was directed by Régis Aillet, Alexandre Bass, Clément Chaudat, Etienne Devillée and Maxime Moreira. The soundtrack is composed by Jacob Thomas Czech.
Here is a short animation film with a really strange atmosphere. In Kcal, we follow a weird character, alone in the desert and spending his time picking up waste on the ground.
Francis is a short animation film based on an adventure story written for radio by the novelist and screenwriter Dave Eggers.
Today we feature the short-film Bibo. It was projected in many festivals these past months and it won many awards.
Verstaubt is short animation film created by Steffen Kuderer, Frank Rosenkränzer and Daniel Schröfel, three students of Hochschule der Medien university in Germany.
Today we invite you to discover The Ballad of Julio. This short-film was directed by five students of The University of Hertfordshire, UK : James Bown, Michael Wilde, Zan Flaker Berce, Leo Blackmur and Alex...
Today we invite you to discover Mr Hublot, the short animated film who won an Oscar last week.